The business card photograph is your organization's asset. It is going to be seen by you, your colleagues and forwarded to others through email. While it takes a few seconds for every card, the following 5 tips will go a long way to capture a good photograph -
Recently we met a real estate executive who had the preference of using a $2 business card scanner app to maintain contacts instead of organization's own business contact manager. It reminded us of another instance during our survey study when we came across a sales manager who used personal spreadsheets for documenting opportunities instead of using company's sophisticated CRM system
If your organization sells through channel partners, resellers or retailers then there is a way to add thousands of relevant and new contact records into your CRM.
A channel partner meets up with prospects for your products and there is a high chance that you do not have visibility in it. Worse, there is a smaller chance that the information of that prospect will ever get into your CRM! A principal vendor usually ends up saying that the channel partner does not want to share the leads for some reason. Based on our findings and discussion with numerous channel partners, this is not always correct. While there are cases where the channel partner does not indeed share the contact information or leads due to reasons, it is usually the absence of process which is the culprit.
"These are the new leads. These are Glengarry leads. And to you they 're gold, and you don't get them. Why ? Because to give them to you would be throwing them away. They're for closers."
- Alec Baldwin (as Blake) in Glengarry Glen Ross. |