The business card photograph is your organization's asset. It is going to be seen by you, your colleagues and forwarded to others through email. While it takes a few seconds for every card, the following 5 tips will go a long way to capture a good photograph -
1. Use application's grid - Keep the card's image within the grid. If using Contactous' mobile application, always keep the phone's grid in landscape mode and use the guidelines as in the example photos.
2. Light - Make sure that there is good light on the business card while capturing the photo. While natural light is the best, you will need to ensure good light if indoors. Try to avoid the flash if possible but use it as a last resort.
3. Avoid Shadows - Depending on the source of light, you might end up with a shadow on the card while taking the photo. Given the lighting conditions in your environment, you should try different alignments to avoid the shadow.
4. Steady Hand - Holding the phone steadily with both hands to avoid jerkiness will have a noticeable impact on the quality of photos. Complement this by placing the card on a flat stable surface to get the best results.
5. Business cards are usually arranged in folders or albums. Always take them out of the folder before you take their photo.
The above 5 tips have worked well with our users and will make a positive difference in the quality of the photographs of business or warranty cards.
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